Wholesome Hygienist

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Simple Avocado Face Mask

Who doesn't love avocados? my best friend actually :). BUUUTTTTT, besides her, who doesn't love avocados? Seriously, there is so much to love about them. Their gorgeous green color, their yummy fatty health benefits and their smooth creamy texture. All fantastic characteristics for a homemade face mask.

I made a simple face mask with the tiny sliver of avocado I had leftover from my taco dinner! ha!


  • 1/4 mashed up ripe avocado

  • 1 Tablespoon of plain organic yogurt (use homemade for extra credit health benefits points)

  • 1 Tablespoon raw, local to your area honey


*mix all ingredients into a bowl until smooth and creamy.
*when mixture is creamy smother on face, and leave for approximately 15-20 minutes, (my picture was lumpy because I got too excited and just started smothering my face in the mixture! ha!)
* wash off with warm water and enjoy your hydrated, happy skin :)

This face mask is full of rich vitamins for your facial skin. Avocados offer creamy hydration to the skin, while the honey adds skin brightening benefits. The yogurt adds a cool, soothing effect, along with adding beneficial bacteria to the face.

Enjoy this super simple, and pretty tasty facial mask next time you're having tacos ;)!