Stomach acid dilemma

Written on 3/5/2019

Digestive disorders are so common now-a-days. Why? How come most people are uncomfortable 30 minutes after a particular meal or specific food. Is heart burn and bloating just a part of getting old?


I don’t think so. And according to a fantastic book I read “Why Stomach Acid is Good for You” by Jonathan V. Wright, MD, he doesn’t think so either. The book thoroughly explains that indigestion acid reflex is not a problem of too much acid in the stomach, but rather having too little. Many medical practitioners believed that taking acid blocking medications would not be harmful for a patient, that it served well to keep them comfortable. As it turns out, the opposite is true. Taking acid blocking medications is detrimental on the digestive systems. Hydrochloric acid, the most powerful “stomach juice” is a precursor to begin the entire digestive process. Hydrochloride acid activates other digestive juices and enzymes as well.

It is the HCL that makes the stomach acidic. If the stomach is not acidic enough, bile, another digestive juice solution which emulsified fats, never gets triggers. If bile does not get triggered, secretin and pancreatic enzymes, vital for digestion become inactive. Gastrin, and Cholecystokinin (CCK), other digestive juices responsible for digesting fat and proteins, never get triggered either.

Without HCL, new problems in the patient will sprout up later. The problems of prolonged suppression of stomach acid can show through increased discomfort after eating, difficulty eliminating the bowels and malnourish to name a few. As a Registered Dental Hygienist, I often can tell by the look, texture and color of someone’s tongue and oral tissues if they are deficient in some vitamins, like iron. In this book, I learned that also, you can determine vitamin deficiencies by looking at the persons inner eye lid too. I am now going to be inspecting for that correlation on my patients. In a regular day at my dental office I see approximately 8 patients. And approximately 6 times a day I am telling someone that they have signs of a vitamin deficiency. It is intriguing that the amount of stomach acid can affect so much on a person. Without proper digestion, important vitamins are not absorbed and crucial hormones can not be made.

Stomach acid indeed is good for your health. Ask me how I can help you correct digestive issues and determine if you have the proper amounts of HCL.


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