My RDH Background
Well, the cliff notes version of my background is that I’ve been a dental hygienist for almost 9 years and have traveled to different parts of the world to do volunteer dental work. Doing this dental work in these impoverished countries has allowed me to see different mouths affected by different diets of different cultures. And I have compared those mouths to the mouths I work on daily. American mouths. I have seen incredible differences.
BYOB: Bring Your Own Brush - Toothbrush That Is
When I tell people what I do for a living, most people respond by saying, “I could never do that! I could never look in dirty mouths all day”. And the truth is, probably most of them couldn’t. My job? It ain’t pretty. It’s not all pearly whites and minty fresh breath, (que the Mentos Fresh Maker commercial). And although it may gross people out. I.LOVE.MY.JOB.
My Life Story
It feels so funny to focus on yourself sometimes, am I right? Like, why do I need to write an about me page? It feels so forced. But I know that when I read other people's blogs, I like to know about them. So for anyone reading out there, here it goes: