GoPro Dental Cleaning Videos
Sooooo..... I'm adding more to my YouTube channel. Please check it out and leave a comment :)! What more would you like to see demo-ed. I'm getting new instruments this week and will update the channel soon ;)!
Video Demo-Basic Dental Cleaning Set up
So I created a YouTube channel. And I will continue to post my videos and demos to this channel. I'm still learning how to link the videos, :) so these three videos all go together! Just imagine they are tied together as one beautiful video ;)! K? THANKS! ;) And please come back and visit the YouTube Channel more! I'm working on some really great stuff!
Cracked Corners of Lips?
It's winter time and the weather is changing. This change physical changes in us, and can cause a down shift in the immune system, making a person more susceptible to difference infections.
Chronic Inflammation is Everywhere
What I see in my patients almost constantly, is chronic inflammation in the gums. I see this about 80% of the time while I'm working in my dental chair. I see about 8 patients a day, and most of these patients Come to the dentists every 3, 4 or six months for periodontal maintenance. At these intervals, since they are different times of the year, that would take any dietary seasonal variables out of the equation.
My RDH Background
Well, the cliff notes version of my background is that I’ve been a dental hygienist for almost 9 years and have traveled to different parts of the world to do volunteer dental work. Doing this dental work in these impoverished countries has allowed me to see different mouths affected by different diets of different cultures. And I have compared those mouths to the mouths I work on daily. American mouths. I have seen incredible differences.
Dental Glossary and Visual Guide
***I will continually add more dental terms and health words and visuals to this page. Please ask for specific words in the comments, and I will get to those words ASAP! :)
So Your Dentist Recommended a Night Guard...
Fun fact: Teeth are the hardest substance in the body. They are even stronger than bones. And actually, a 1960's study found that enamel's hardness is comparable to steel. Therefore, if a dental profession is telling you (and showing you visual proof) that damage is occurring to your teeth, and that you need a night guard (or any thing else) I'd highly recommend you act on treatment to prevent further damage quickly. Because more than likely, the problem will continue if it is not resolved. Hear me out...