Recommendations Analee Nichols Recommendations Analee Nichols

Vitamin D

Infectious lesions, ulcers, and oral cancer, these are what I am trained to look for in a dental patients mouth. As a Registered Dental Hygienist, I am trained to look for anything out of the range of “normal”. What I am *NOT* specifically trained in, as a dental hygienist, is to look for vitamin or nutritional deficiencies. Which is a total ashamed for all dental hygienists, because we are in a unique position to notice, monitor and report even simple changes in our patients mouths.

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Recommendations Analee Nichols Recommendations Analee Nichols


Vitamins can be so confusing. Do you take them or not? Isn't it better to get your vitamins from food? Are all vitamins made equally? So confusing, right?

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