Vitamin D

Infectious lesions, ulcers, and oral cancer, these are what I am trained to look for in a dental patients mouth. As a Registered Dental Hygienist, I am trained to look for anything out of the range of “normal”.

What I am *NOT* specifically trained in, as a dental hygienist, is to look for vitamin or nutritional deficiencies. Which is a total ashamed for all dental hygienists, because we are in a unique position to notice, monitor and report even simple changes in our patients mouths. What may seem like “simple” changes in a mouth to a patient, could be telling a deeper rooted issue to the right eyes seeing it.

We, dental hygienists, see our patients very regularly throughout the year. Some patients, every 6 months, others every 3 or 4 months, depending on the individual needs of the patient. This may be more than most PCP’s (Primary Care Physicians), whom typically see their patients annually, unless a specific issue is going on. IN WHICH CASE, they typically refer to ANOTHER doctor.

A woman with mouth open yellowing with white teeth and lips and tongue

We, in the dental filed, see the patients and know their medical conditions. We also have a key angle to look at any particular patient. We have access to their MOUTHS. Yes, their mouths. You see, a person’s mouth can be like a dairy. It can tell the dental hygienist or the dentist about that patient’s present condition, and in most cases, many past conditions. This is because, the mouth there are many, *many* different types of tissues that are affected by internal systemic conditions. ALL OF THEM ARE ACTUALLY. WHY? Because the mouth is a part of the total person, and whatever you put into your mouth (healthy food or junk food) affects these tissues in a very similar way that your digestive tract would be affected by food. Your mouth, after all, is just an extension of the entire digestive tract. It’s the entrance. 

Like I mentioned earlier, registered dental hygienists are NOT taught in school to identify many nutritional deficiencies. But because of my traveling dental hygienist experiences and of my passion for holistic nutrition, I have been able to help patients identify systemic problems within their mouths. Systemic issues like, deficiencies and hormonal imbalances.

Many conditions are underneath the blanket statement of “deficiencies and imbalances”. So allow me to elaborate and get specific. This post will be about the most common deficiency I educate my patients about. I see about 8 patients a day, and feel the need to educate approximately half of my patients on this particular topic.

*Disclaimer*!!! This website and these posts are not intended as medical advice, and do not take the place of seeing a medical professional.*

Woman holding cream vitamins in hands

The most common deficiency I see in the mouth is vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency seems to show itself in the mouth tissues looking severely red. I mean STOP SIGN red! And often times the gums are swollen also. I know this is not just from poor oral hygiene issues, *if* the surrounding tissues in the mouth (i.e.: floor of the mouth, inner cheeks, and back of the throat) are bright red also. Again, the tissues are typically STOP SIGN red, or very hot pink! I notice it almost immediately when a patient opens their mouth when they first sit in my chair. Then I ask the patient about their eating habits, any vitamins or supplements they maybe on. It’s also important to know if they are taking any medications. Medications can interfere with proper absorption of nutrients, and supplements. So often times, a patient will feel like they are in good health, however their mouth tissues are telling me the contrary.

I always look through the medical history of my patients, and check if any of the patient’s current medications could be causing the redness. Now, since everybody’s body is different, every body could have a different reaction to a medication’s side effects. This is all very important to take into consideration. And although I am not “formally” trained to detect vitamin D deficiencies, I know by reading current research that vitamin D is the number one vitamin deficiency in the nation. Why? And how could this be? Especially since I practice dental hygiene in beautiful sunny San Diego. Surely everyone gets plenty from the sun, no? NO!

Us “hard working” Americans are not outside nearly enough to be getting sufficient levels of this vitamin. Vitamin D is created IN THE SKIN. Yes, in the skin. Vitamin D is th-EEEEEE ONLY vitamin made by the body. The only one. That’s how important this vitamin it is. The body makes most of the vitamin D it needs, and only gets a small amount from foods. Typically, when we are outside, we are covered by clothing and sunscreen which is blocking the exposure of the sunlight to our skin directly. Thus preventing us from getting the natural, needed light to make the vitamin D.

close-up of colorful group of pills and supplements

…but...aren’t a lot of foods fortified with vitamin D, like cereals, oats and tofu? yes. That is correct, but….these foods are mostly fortified with vitamin D2, which is a not as readily absorbed as vitamin D3. So we are still not getting enough from certain foods, even if the label says it is a “good” source of vitamin D.

The RDA for vitamin D intake according to the USDA is 600 IU/daily for adults. However even with this recommended amount people may not be ABSORBING the entire amount. I, personally, take 5000 IU daily. With adequate levels of this vitamin you receive benefits of such as increase bone health, as well as increased teeth health, it enhances your immune system and can even improve your mood.

I stronger urge anyone who is suffering from "unexplainable" gum bleeding, frequently gets oral lesions, or has sleep issues to talk to their medical doctor about there personal vitamin D levels. Like I tell my patients, you can definitely live a happy life with multiple vitamin deficiencies. However, you will not be able to live your FULLEST life you were suppose to have! So, get your levels check my friends, and get your levels adjusted if needed. Every individual has a different slightly different dose age that is appropriate for them. So again, get your leaves checked by your doctor, and or start checking them yourself with this In-home self test vitamin D kit! And start seeing, or rather, feeling the different and live your fullest life! :) Now go! ;)


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