GoPro Dental Cleaning Videos
Sooooo..... I'm adding more to my YouTube channel. Please check it out and leave a comment :)! What more would you like to see demo-ed. I'm getting new instruments this week and will update the channel soon ;)!
Video Demo-Basic Dental Cleaning Set up
So I created a YouTube channel. And I will continue to post my videos and demos to this channel. I'm still learning how to link the videos, :) so these three videos all go together! Just imagine they are tied together as one beautiful video ;)! K? THANKS! ;) And please come back and visit the YouTube Channel more! I'm working on some really great stuff!
Dental Glossary and Visual Guide
***I will continually add more dental terms and health words and visuals to this page. Please ask for specific words in the comments, and I will get to those words ASAP! :)