Recipes Analee Nichols Recipes Analee Nichols

Detox drink

Spring is well underway, and here in sunny San Diego, the weather has been so great. Did you know that during the spring time your body is already in a detoxifying mode? Well, that makes life a little easier for you, right? So all you really need to do it help nudge the process along to get energy boosting, skin clearing effects ( :) hurrrr-RAY!)

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Recipes Analee Nichols Recipes Analee Nichols

Fix Your Stained Teeth

What do you do with stained teeth? How do you keep your teeth white? It can be challenging to keep your pearly whites, well, white. So what's a smile loving person to do?

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Nutritional Therapy Analee Nichols Nutritional Therapy Analee Nichols

A New Health Perspective

Like I mentioned in a previous post, I have an entirely different perspective on a person, then say other conventional medical practitioners. As a Registered Dental Hygienist, I investigate the many different tissues in the mouth, and I assess the head and the neck. In these regions of the body, you can truly do some serious detective work on an individual’s health, that is, if you know what you’re looking for…

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Recommendations Analee Nichols Recommendations Analee Nichols

Vitamin D

Infectious lesions, ulcers, and oral cancer, these are what I am trained to look for in a dental patients mouth. As a Registered Dental Hygienist, I am trained to look for anything out of the range of “normal”. What I am *NOT* specifically trained in, as a dental hygienist, is to look for vitamin or nutritional deficiencies. Which is a total ashamed for all dental hygienists, because we are in a unique position to notice, monitor and report even simple changes in our patients mouths.

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Nutritional Therapy Analee Nichols Nutritional Therapy Analee Nichols

BYOB: Bring Your Own Brush - Toothbrush That Is

When I tell people what I do for a living, most people respond by saying, “I could never do that! I could never look in dirty mouths all day”. And the truth is, probably most of them couldn’t. My job? It ain’t pretty. It’s not all pearly whites and minty fresh breath, (que the Mentos Fresh Maker commercial). And although it may gross people out. I.LOVE.MY.JOB.

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Recipes Analee Nichols Recipes Analee Nichols

Simple Avocado Face Mask

Who doesn't love avocados? my best friend actually :). BUUUTTTTT, besides her, who doesn't love avocados? Seriously, there is so much to love about them. Their gorgeous green color, their yummy fatty health benefits and their smooth creamy texture. All fantastic characteristics for a homemade face mask.

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Recommendations Analee Nichols Recommendations Analee Nichols


Vitamins can be so confusing. Do you take them or not? Isn't it better to get your vitamins from food? Are all vitamins made equally? So confusing, right?

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Inspirational Analee Nichols Inspirational Analee Nichols

My Life Story

It feels so funny to focus on yourself sometimes, am I right? Like, why do I need to write an about me page? It feels so forced. But I know that when I read other people's blogs, I like to know about them. So for anyone reading out there, here it goes:

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